Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday #4


In this article, Pat Buchanan argues whether or not the European Union will be able to survive the economic deficit that they face. He begins by outlining a plan to be employed by the European Nations to try to recover the European Nation Banks. The plan he addresses identifies Germany as the leading nation to recover the Euro. However, Buchanan's major point in his article is that the European Union is irreparably going into failure due to his population projections over the next few decades. As time goes on, Germany, who is expected to be the stronghold of the European Union, will be suffering substantial population losses as the population ages and the following generation is not large enough to overcome the foreign deficit as well as their own internal social policies, including social security and welfare. Along with Germany's population, both Greeks and Italians are facing the same undesirable fate. The newer generations are too insignificant to be able to compensate for the debt, and the lack of youth to join the work force causes more than just the population levels, but the national productivity levels to plummet. With the youth decreasing and the elderly increasing, the debt will only continue to grow, according to Buchanan. He concludes his article with the quote "This is the way the world ends/Not with a bang, but a whimper."

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