Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday #3

The photo on the link above is of people initiating the celebration in Munich, Germany for the annual Oktober fest! The image presents a classic representation of the festival, one that is joyous and exciting for all!

The mood of the photograph is displayed in its coloring. The bright colors and heavy saturation make the photo seem more exciting and festive. Also, the people in the photograph all smile dramatically, happy to be celebrating in Germany, toasting their beers in celebration! They are all dressed in mock- traditional German clothing to represent the historical aspect of the well known festival, but the modern changes add a costume- like dynamic that make the photo seem almost goofy and child like. Another thing to note in the image is its background. Though the photograph leaves the background out of focus, the viewer can clearly make out a mass of people behind those cheersing in the foreground. This adds a sense of community to the image- that all are welcomed to this fun atmosphere to enjoy the beer, the history, and the culture of Germany's Oktoberfest!

1 comment:

  1. Kellienne:
    Interesting image. Next step:
    Post actual image. As significant, note how images produce contemporary arguments, often ones that attempt to appeal to othres. Given the context of this image, one wonders if the message here is to promote a certain image of Germany?

    Mr. Heller
