Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday #5


Pat Buchanan posted another update on his column, discussing the religious tension between Romney, Perry, and Bennett and how religious affiliation can help or harm a political career. When Pastor Jeffress endorsed Perry publicly, he followed his endorsement with comparing Mormonism to a cult and from then on a whirlwind of political fire came about. Buchanan takes the believes that Romney's faith is what will surely put him behind in the polls despite the increasing popularity of Mormonism in America. Because Romney's religious affiliations make him an easy target in the debates, claims Buchanan, saying, "Mitt is likely to replace Perry as the "pinata" in the debates." Buchanan also believes that Romney has been trying to evade the question of faith in order to lessen the damage he would take in the polls. However, religion is a common factor in debates, and Buchanan believes that Romney's rivals are sure to use it against him.

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